Whoever believes branding is just a theory, please raise their hand

Mata Marinidou
4 min readNov 29, 2020

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say “I’m a practical person, I do not believe in these branding theories”, I would be in the Caribbean right now, with a piña colada in my hand.

But, I am not. And since I’m a practical person too and I love to put things in order, I want to share with you three important insights, straight from Neuroscience (the study of the human mind):

  • About 90% of our brain activity never makes it to our consciousness (that is, we have no idea what we are actually thinking).
  • All this unconsciously gathered information sums up and reaches our consciousness in a form of feelings (eg. sympathy, admiration, trust, or even their opposites).
  • Only 5% of our choices is based on conscious thinking (the remaining 95% is made completely on a subconscious level).

In other words, 95% of consumers’ thoughts (and decisions) takes place in their subconscious mind.

“Our decisions are prepared by the subconscious brain activity. It takes more work to activate our logical thinking” ~ Harvard Marketing professor, Zerald Zaltman

So, whoever believes they decide based on logic, please raise their hand.

What does this mean for branding?

These discoveries of Neuroscience and Behavioral Sciences show us that traditional branding, the one that simply addresses the image of the brand (which, in fact, is just brand design), is insufficient and is based on old thinking models. It’s obsolete.

If, indeed, we take into account the over-saturated world in which we live and the speed by which it moves, we can easily understand why our brain is eagerly looking for decision shortcuts.

The process by which we choose brands occurs almost exclusively on a subconscious level. Depending on the need we want to meet, various brand candidates (usually 1 to 5) are activated in our brain. Among these, our “brain algorithm” selects the most likely to satisfy our particular need. This is a process we have absolutely no awareness of.

In other words, when a need is created in our minds, what seems to be happening in our brain is this:

  1. The five prevailing brands, that we believe can meet our need, are activated in our minds (Of course, these arrive at the top 5 through brand awareness).
  2. These brands compete in our minds on which is the most appropriate for the situation (which they do through brand positioning).
  3. We now become consciously aware of this thought (Which one should I choose?)
  4. We choose the brand and buy the product (unless, of course, we consciously decide to veto our choice due to, for example, high expected risk or low expected enjoyment).

First two steps occur subconsciously. Next two steps occur consciously.

As to who wins in the second step (the competing process), Neuroscience provides us again with a generous answer.

We select the brand that:

  • Is best suited to the purpose of our search (= clear brand positioning)
  • We have previously been well informed of its ability to do so (= powerful strategic message, coherently and consistently),
  • We feel connected to and have interacted with, compared to other brands (= relevance, relationship, emotion).

How these insights benefit your own brand

First, if you are one those people who still say “I’m a practical person, I don’t fall for these branding theories”, it’s time to think again. You are wasting your valuable time, still believing what science has proved inaccurate. Strategic branding is not theoritical. It is 100% practical.

Also, it is time to stop believing that your customers are reasonable beings, following a conscious path to decisions. They are not (as you are not yourself). Most of the time, they have already chosen before they even realise it. And even before you get to say a word about it.

That’s why branding is, in fact, much more than design and logos. It is the art of perception, something between logic and magic.

Therefore, whatever you do for your branding, make sure that:

⮕ It enhances the brand’s relevance with the public. This means staying relevant to their lives and needs, and being the answer to their specific problems. But, still, that’s not enough. You must also communicate it clearly and unambiguously.

⮕ It enhances coherence, its consistent expression. What you say clearly and unequivocally, you must also say it often, in a coordinated and aligned manner. Through all touchpoints, through all messages, channels, and possible ways. A single strategic message, throughout everything.

⮕ It increases public’s participation and interaction. The closer you are to your audience, the more it interacts with you, the more you stay relevant, the more likely you are to be their next immediate choice.

So, don’t stay in the past. The world has changed. Your audience has changed. Move beyond the image of your brand, deepen your understanding, strategise your branding. Do it before your competition does, before they gain valuable ground in people’s minds and leave you out.

My article was originally written and published in Greek at https://www.twoyellowfeet.com.



Mata Marinidou

I’m a Brand Clarity Wizard. I solve core identity problems for companies, infusing their brands with clarity, simplicity, and focus → twoyellowfeet.com